
Capitalism has failed?

In this post I am going to talk about several different political systems - yeah I know it's a more serious topic... So let me not talk around it and get right to it!
A lot of people think, that Capitalism is bad and only gives more money to the rich, while taking it from the poor, but is that accusation justified?

What is Capitalism? As you can see on the picture many people think, that the rich exploit the poor at the point of a gun, but is far from being true! The essence of Capitalism is freedom, and when people are free, there are certain laws that apply in a free society. For instances the law of exchange (an exchange never takes place, unless all the involved parties agree - voluntarily), the result of that is, that every exchange is a Win-Win-Situation. The employer benefits from the employe and the other way around also.

Major accusation: In a capitalist market there is one company that is going to buy everybody else and is going to establish a monopoly. This is pretty funny, because every monopoly that was ever build, got there because of the government, who established laws in order to keep it in a special position. A free market destroys every monopoly, because there is always competition.

All in all capitalism is a system, where people make their own rules. Only force is not permitted and that means, in order to get something you have to trade value for value. If we had capitalism on earth, we wouldn't pay taxes,there would be enough jobs for everybody and it would be a lot easier to earn money... It just makes everybody's life better!

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